Riyad Al Ghussein
Education Fund

يعلن صندوق رياض الغصين عن فتح باب الترشح للمرة الثانية خلال نفس الدورة، لتقديم طلب منحة دراسة أو تجديد طلب قائم، للعام الاكاديمي 2024-2025

من تاريخ 4-8- 2024 ولغاية 10-8-2024

Riyad Al Ghussein Education Fund was founded in 2011 after a brief visit to the campus of al-Quds University
by Mr. Tarek Riyad Al Ghussein.




The Riyad Al Ghussein Education Fund was established in 2011 by Mr Tariq Riyad Al-Ghussein, in honor of his deceased father, following a brief and private visit the latter paid to the country, when he also visited the campus of al-Quds University. Impressed by the newly-developed campus and the vibrant student life there he pledged an annual contribution of $200,000 to help support student fees as well as their exposure to the outside world. He expressed the hope that his contribution will help needy but promising students, especially in the humanities and arts, and especially females, in the pursuit of their degrees; and will also expose students to international academic fora.   

Since its inception, the Fund has presented over 200 scholarships to deserving youths to allow them to pursue their higher education studies at al-Quds University and abroad. In cooperation with the Academic Affairs unit at al-

Quds University the Fund co-sponsored joint programs with Erasmus Mundus whereby students from the university spent terms during the academic year at different universities in Europe as part of their studies. The Fund also supported programs at the university where professors from abroad were invited to give courses to the university students, or to participate in special academic seminars. Funds were also provided to bring in music experts from abroad to encourage the development of a music program at the university.   


Scholarships and Fellowships are non-returnable awards provided by
the Riyad Al Ghussein Education Fund

For the past two years, the Fund has expanded its spectrum of potential recipients as to include needy students from East Jerusalem, whether or not their aim is to study at al-Quds University. Such students therefore continue to receive scholarships to study at other universities in the country or abroad. Mindful of the education needs in East Jerusalem as a whole, the Fund also recently made a special award to a local institution to support a program to teach youth in Jerusalem about media harassment. In all cases, then, the aim has been to address educational needs of youth in Jerusalem, whether at university or school levels.


To Mr. Tarek Riyad Al Ghussein, we are grateful for the work that you do.



We believe that access to education is the stepping stone for a better future, that everyone has the right to education, and that empowering Palestinian students to fulfill their aspirations to become inspiring leaders will have a positive impact both on themselves and on our society.

Strategic Plan

Mindful of the larger and pressing educational needs of the Jerusalem community the Fund Committee developed its strategic plan for the next phase so as to increase its support for educational scholarships at foreign universities abroad, as well as to address the more elementary educational needs of the youth in high schools by supporting extra-curricular programs that complement their formal training.

Educational scholarships at foreign universities abroad ensure that promising graduates will be able to achieve higher qualifications that can create lasting opportunities for change at the local level, while an intervention at the school and social media levels will ensure that incoming university students are well-equipped for an education that relies on critical and analytical thinking rather than on rote or ‘copy-paste’ learning.

This developed strategy will still be informed by the framework of the new global trends formulated by the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), especially the SDG4, which stipulates to “Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all”.

Our Goals

The following goals were adopted for 2019-2022
  • Offering scholarships opportunities to disadvantaged students, especially Jerusalemites students.
  • Providing pocket money for needy students to cover their daily needs.

The Fund Committee

Riyad Al Ghussein Education Fund Committee

The purpose of the Riyad Al Ghussein Education Fund Committee is to review, advice, and select on the awarding of scholarships/grants.

Duties and responsibilities of the Fund Committee include:

  • Review all scholarship applications received.
  • Selecting qualified candidates to receive scholarships.
  • Issue written reports to the Donor as required.
  • Establishing and modifying scholarship criteria and other elements of the Fund programs.
  • Other functions as deemed necessary. 

The Fund Selection Committee is annually selected from Jerusalem public figures who are drawn from the academic, business and professional communities.

© 2020 The Riyad Al Ghussein Education Fund
